Wednesday, November 2, 2011


So this is the first week of my game programming courses. I am so far in over my head. I had no idea it was going to be like this. It is so far ahead of what I thought it would be. I thought it would start a bit slower.

Week 1: create a game engine.... Uh. What?

No idea what I am doing, and have a strong suspicion I will not be long for this course

Friday, October 21, 2011

First step

 Yesterday I took the first step on the long journey learning how to be a game developer... Ok so it wasn't really a step so much as sort of looking down the path in the direction I want to go.
 I took my skill assessment on where I was in the learning process. I could have told the instructor where I was with out taking it. The very beginning with no experience at all. I have a feeling I might have gotten in over my head and that the rest of the people in the class with me probably have much more experience than I do.
 Over all while it is kind of an intimidating experience it is one I am looking forward to doing.